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Marini & Co provides direct consulting on extraordinary financial matters to small and medium enterprise (SME) entrepreneurs, helping them to grow and prosper in this constantly changing and increasingly more digital and globalised environment.


Thanks to the independence and experience of the advisory team, the entrepreneur is presented with various promotion, expansion and re-utilization solutions so that the important choices which follow will always be informed and medium-long term wherever possible.


Marini & Co helps entrepreneurs and SMEs choose and subsequently take on a path for listing on Italian and foreign financial markets, both regulated and non-regulated.

Thanks to the independence and experience of the Advisory team, listing costs are minimised, at the same time maximising tangible and intangible results. Through 31 December 2020, 50% of the consulting costs sustained for the IPO operation on Italian and foreign markets constitutes a tax credit.

From the equity story to the selection of a professional staff, from the structuring of the operation to the communication to the investors, Marini & Co always acts independently, safeguarding the interests of the client.


In a globalised world, company positioning and size has an intrinsic value.

Marini & Co is on the side of companies in structuring and negotiating extraordinary operations aimed at dimensional growth, vertical integration and commercial expansion, whether they are direct acquisitions, mergers, spin-offs or increases in capital.

Marini & Co is alongside the entrepreneur in every stage of the process of company share sales or dilution, sharing the success of the operation with him.

The Advisory Team can carry out scouting all over Europe of the best counterparts, whether companies to be purchased, potential buyers or Private Equity funds and at the same time, it can provide the client with an appraisal of the enterprise and a market study of the reference sector.


Marini&Co proposes sources of financing to SMEs as an alternative to those offered by the traditional banking system in order to decrease the cost of financing and to diversify the sources.

The Advisory Team follows the client in structuring Mini Bonds, Green Bonds, Finance Projects and other forms of alternative credit such as digital invoice advance and transfer platforms.

The Advisory Team is able to work alongside innovative start-ups in the various growth stages, appropriately presenting the project and business development to the institutional players as venture capital funds and crowdfunding portals, as well as to any business angels and investing families.

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