The Marini & Co team is made up of professionals with vast and proven experience in the field that possess complementary and general characteristics ranging from topics of market and investments management to extraordinary finance solutions and related fiscal and legal aspects.
Senior Financial Advisor with 28 years international experience: founder of Marini & Co.
Former Head of equity investments manager for Gruppo Banca Leonardo and independent advisor since 2014. A graduate in Business and Economics with top marks from University Cattolica of Milan in 1995, his dissertation was on Public Tender Offers and his focus was on the Italian banking system: the Credito Romagnolo case.
Senior Financial and Tax Advisor with 12 years experience at Tremonti Tax Firm, and independent consultant since 2013. Auditor for listed and non-listed companies, he earned his degree from Bocconi in 1996 with top marks.
Senior Financial Advisor with 15 years experience in European financial markets. He worked for Arca Fondi Sgr as a portfolio manager running successfully the European Equity fund. He has also 10 years experience as independent entrepreneur. He has been graduated in 1995 in Business Administration in the American Intercontinental University of London.
Senior Financial Advisor with 19 years experience in Global financial markets. He worked since 1998 as a private banker for American Express Bank in London and then as an e-FX broker for 360T and Forex25. He has also 10 years experience as independent entrepreneur in the design furniture sector.
Financial communication manager. More than 8 years international experience as a freelancer creating websites, applications, videos and presentations in the corporate communication area. He has worked for various international brands, moving around between Italy, United Kingdom, USA, France, China, India, Russia, Japan and Germany. A graduate from SAE Institute in 2012 with top marks.